THE WEEK AT THE BEACH: Best Photos on Instagram (Issue 2)

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2014 • 11 • 23

Each week, we’re stalking Instagram for the best photos that capture our favorite Philippine beaches. Got some amazing snaps to share? Tag them with @philbeaches or #philippinebeachesorg and you just might see it featured here!

From biking to trekking to diving and parasailing—the week was full of adventures for our fearless beach lovers. Be sure to follow these guys if you love their photos!

1. Baler, Aurora

This makes us blue with envy of everyone surfing the waves of Baler. Via @tabithafernan.

2. Babuyan Islands

@ayanvillafuerte conquered the elements for this shot of the sea. Amazing!

3. Bantayan Island, Cebu

Biking around Bantayan Island brought @pinkjadedknight and his pals to this spot of paradise.

4. Hundred Islands, Alaminos, Pangasinan

We’d rather be rolling in the deep with @patejercitado because seriously, that looks awesome!

5. White Beach, Puerto Galera

Or parasailing above Puerto Galera with @jojohahanna because that looks awesome, too!

6. Sabtang Island, Batanes

A photo posted by herb serrana (@herbiebore) on

This view of Sabtang from @herbiebore is almost unreal!

7. Siquijor Island

@karlaroundtheworld took the plunge at 22 feet. Wow!

8. Guimaras Island

A photo posted by Sam Arn (@samwithacam_) on

@samwithacam_ found a friendly neighborhood sea creature to hang out with.

9. Boracay, Aklan

A photo posted by Mary Joan (@maryg0r0und) on

We feel just as wave-tossed as @maryg0r0und in this wonderfully dynamic photograph.

10. Cebu

And finally, we have this amazingly surreal capture of sunrise over the waters of Cebu by @onesettingatatime.

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