Plastic Bags and the Environment

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and dangerous. They spoil landscapes, clog waterways, and threaten wildlife! And according to, “ocean debris worldwide kills at least 1 million sea birds and 100,000 mammals each year!” And plastic bags are UGLY, too! Let’s change our habits! Reduce, reuse, recycle, and — when we

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The Footprints Project Launch

2012 • 05 • 15 Travel bloggers, travel agents, and beach bums gathered at Casa Nami Surf Pub in Jupiter St., Makati City on May 10, 2012 for the launch of The Footprints Project, an initiative by to promote responsible travel and social media stewardship. It was an enlightening

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Trash Bins, Where Art Thou?

2012 • 05 • 01 Aside from its sheer beauty, one of the things that we love about Puerto Princesa City in Palawan is that everywhere you look there is a trash bin. These humble containers may have contributed a lot in keeping the city neat and adorable. But not

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DANJUGAN ISLAND in Negros Occidental

2011 • 12 • 10 In June 2011, the team were fortunate to visit Danjugan Island in Cauayan, Negros Occidental. Located 3 kilometers west of mainland Negros, Danjugan Island is more than four hours away from the Bacolod-Silay airport. This tropical paradise harbors five lagoons — three land-locked —

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