QUICK GUIDE: Corong-Corong in El Nido, Palawan

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2015 • 05 • 06

A short 10-minute ride south of El Nido town proper, Corong-Corong is a quiet hideaway featuring a wide, lazy spread beach surrounded by tall coconut trees and calm, shallow waters. It’s quite the perfect venue for a day spent lying in the sand, just reading a book, or working on your tan. You may opt to base your El Nido adventure here for a more peaceful and laid-back experience.

Material/Type: Sand

Nearest Airports: El Nido and Puerto Princesa

How to get there: All major airlines fly to Puerto Princesa, the Palawan capital. From there, board a Roro bus (P380, available every 2 hours from 6am-10pm) or Fort Wally van (P700, every day at 5am, 7am, 9am, 11am and 1pm) to El Nido. Travel time is 6-7 hours. Hail a tricycle at El Nido town/terminal to bring you to Corong-Corong (P15/person to the nearest drop-off point, can reach up to P150 if going further down the area.)

Where to stay: The area is quickly developing with many resorts already dotting the coast with rates ranging from budget-friendly (around 1k) to pricey (around 5k).


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