THE WEEK AT THE BEACH: Best Photos on Instagram (Issue 12)

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2015 • 01 • 25

Each week, we’re stalking Instagram for the best photos that capture our favorite Philippine beaches. Got some amazing snaps to share? Tag them with @philbeaches or #philippinebeachesorg and you just might see it featured here!

The week brought clear skies and clear waters to most of our fellow travelers so we’ve got a lot of pretty pictures for you. Are you ready for another week at the beach? As always, don’t forget to follow these guys if you like their stuff!

1. Cebu

A photo posted by rose (@rose_anna) on

We begin our journey with this wonderful view of crystal clear from Cebu! Via @rose_anna

2. Cebu

A photo posted by bee (@mmermaiding) on

How clear is crystal clear you ask? Well, this clear! Photo taken by @mmermaiding.

3. Siquijor

Meanwhile, Siquijor wants to remind you it’s got crystal clear waters too! Photo by @wherisstash.

4. Apo Island, Occidental Mindoro

Not to be left behind, Apo Island shows off its gorgeous aqua waters. Via @pinoytravelfreak.

5. Boracay, Aklan

A photo posted by Kyno (@thekynoexperience) on

While Boracay points out that it’s got a sunset like no other. Photo by @thekynoexperience.

6. Hundred Islands, Pangasinan

Speaking of unique, the panoramic shots of Hundred Islands are always one-of-a-kind! Taken by @maryserviente.

7. Capones Island, Zambales

A photo posted by @xenxei on

Over at Zambales, @xenxei captures the strong, craggy profile of Capones Island.

8. Coron, Palawan

And Coron exhibits its postcard-perfect landscape so you remember it’s part of #TheMostBeautifulIslandInTheWorld. Photo by @backpackerbanter.

9. Uzbiztondo Beach, San Juan, La Union

A photo posted by Kookie Buhain (@kookiebuhain) on

The waves of La Union are just too busy being awesome! Shot by @kookiebuhain.

10. Boracay, Aklan

A photo posted by Love and Road (@loveandroad) on

And while everyone above is having fun, the teeming marine world underwater is going about its business as usual. Via @loveandroad.

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