THE WEEK AT THE BEACH: Best Photos on Instagram (Issue 6)

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2014 • 12 • 14

Each week, we’re stalking Instagram for the best photos that capture our favorite Philippine beaches. Got some amazing snaps to share? Tag them with @philbeaches or #philippinebeachesorg and you just might see it featured here!

This week, we have majestic landscapes and even more majestic sunsets! Also, don’t forget to follow these guys on Instagram if you love their photos.

1. Saud Beach, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

A photo posted by jayroyroferos (@jayroyroferos) on

@jayroyroferos captured an idyllic day on Saud Beach.

2. Boracay, Aklan

A photo posted by Haim Levi (@miguelito_haim) on

This #nofilter snapshot by @miguelito_haim catches all the beautiful colors of sunset in Boracay.

3. Nueva Valencia, Guimaras

A photo posted by Renan Barco (@renanbarco) on

A lonely boat awaits passengers in @renanbarco‘s lovely shot.

4. Fortune Island, Batangas

A photo posted by Mica Jimenez (@miriamsigrid) on

You might mistake these ruins for somewhere in Greece but it’s actually right here in the Philippines! Via @miriamsigrid.

5. Sebay Surf Resort, San Juan, La Union

A photo posted by William (@willianism09) on

This photo by @willianism09 is just unreal!

6. Kalanggaman Island, Leyte

The way to Kalanggaman Island is 50 shades of blue in this pic by @adellepauline.

7. Sabtang, Batanes

A photo posted by Clar (@clareeety) on

Not pictured: Our jaws dropping to the floor because this view is amazing! Taken by @clareeety.

8. Coron Town Port

A photo posted by Ivan Henares (@ivanhenares) on

Here’s another glorious sunset courtesy of @ivanhenares.

9. Dahican Beach, Mati

A photo posted by taichi (@taichikwan) on

We’d love nothing more than to lie down on this long stretch of sand in Dahican Beach. Picture by @taichikwan.

10. Calveria, Cagayan

A photo posted by @edge_genciagan on

And just when you think we couldn’t find another gorgeous sunset photo, we have one more by @edge_genciagan.

More Tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️


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